

What is an addiction?  You can ask the question to several people and receive several different answers.  Some say addiction is an inability to cope with emotions and everyday life, others say addiction is a disease possibly inherited from genetics. Another answer could be that it’s a way to decrease pain and increase pleasure or decrease anxiety.

Here, we believe there are many factors involved when dealing with addiction.

Common Addictions

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Pain Medications

  • Drugs

  • Gambling

  • Food

  • Video Games

  • Internet

  • Sex

  • Shopping

  • Work

Watching a family member, loved one or friend struggle with addiction is difficult and at times can feel overwhelming.

Our aim is to provide a safe and welcoming environment that is inclusive and respectful. We will both listen and guide you towards your own individualised recovery care plan.

We can help you make the changes you want to make.