SlimTight - Post Pregnancy Treatment

If, like many mums, you are struggling with those unwanted inches that you can’t seem to shift and skin that isn’t as firm as it once was, you may want to consider Post Pregnancy SlimTight Treatments, designed to target problem areas after childbirth.

We understand the changes that occur in the skin during and after pregnancy.

Our SlimTight treatments use the latest in laser technology to first target problem areas of unwanted fat without any abnormal effects or damage to body tissue such as cells, blood vessels or neighbouring nerves or vital organs.

SlimTight Post Pregancy Treatment can be performed on all skin types and body areas (except woman’s breasts) Normal activity can be resumed immediately after treatment. SlimTight also includes an essential Body Multipolar RF Heat Treatment, creating a contraction and lifting effect on the treated area(s), followed by a Vacuum Bipolar RF Massage, using advanced high-speed turbine negative pressure technology to enhance skin elasticity, whilst increasing oxygenated blood flow and nutrition and encouraging removal of liquids carrying waste.

Areas Treated:

  • Upper Abdomen
  • Lower Abdomen
  • Upper Back
  • Lower Back
  • Buttocks
  • ‘Man Boobs’ (male breasts)
  • Neck and Chin
  • ‘Love Handles’ (Flanks)
  • ‘Saddle Bags’ (Thighs)
  • Upper Arms
  • Inner & Outer knees
  • Upper legs
  • Calves (lower legs)

RF Vacuum Massage

RF Vacuum Massage

SlimTight Post Pregancy Treatment can be performed on all skin types and body areas (except woman’s breasts) Normal activity can be resumed immediately after treatment.