Ultrashape Treatment
UltraShape technology delivers ultrasound energy directly into the stubborn fat below the skin’s surface. Rapidly changing pressure waves create vapor cavities in the fat cells, which stresses the fat cell membranes, causing them to rupture—all while leaving the surrounding skin, nerves, and blood vessels unharmed.
The treated fat cells are destroyed and cannot regrow!
There are no visible signs of treatment after UltraShape procedures and with no downtime, you can resume your normal daily activities right away.
It is recommended that you maintain a healthy lifestyle with diet and excercise.
Before Treatments 106cm
After Treatments 94.5cm
Changes are generally noticed a week after treatment and procedures are recommended to be spaced two weeks apart. This gives your body time to clear the fat cells from your system, maximizing your results
RRP $1,500 Per Treated Area
Continued Promotion $699 Per Treated Area
Before Treatments
After Treatments
The destroyed fat cells are broken down (or processed) by the body, just like the body breaks down other fats. After being processed by the liver, the waste is eliminated naturally.